
I know it has been a while since I have kept this blog active and I am not even going to offer any excuses except to say that hopefully I can write more in the future. Even though I have not kept the blog up, I have still been using products. About a year ago, I reviewed Diamond Candles and while there were pros and cons I ultimately ended up really liking the Diamond Candles. Back in the summer per many recommendations from friends and family I decided to try out several companies. The first company I reviewed was Dazzle Candles and I quite liked them. The next company I tried was actually a second review of Diamond Candles. This was mainly because I wanted to burn more candles and find more diamonds.

To do a quick recap of the deets. A Diamond Candle is a candle that has a Diamond Ring in a foil package hidden in the wax. The rings are either values at $10, $100, $1000 or $5000. They range between $24.95-$27.95 but I have found quite a few candles on clearance or through discount codes.


The first candle I burned was the Coconut Pear. The scent was underwhelming.


One thing I did not notice last time was that the company puts a gold circle where the foil package is.


Needless to say, I did not have to wait very long for this ring to show up. I was really excited.


I was able to get the foil package out very quickly.


I do not know why but this particular foil was filled with wax. Quite a bit more waxy than any of the other companies I have tried.


This ring was actually quite beautiful. I would not have been surprised if it was worth something.


The reveal code was also wrapped up in that foil package and was almost melted.

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I entered the code on the website and guess what!

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My ring was not worth anything! It did not really matter because it was still a pretty ring.


The second candle I tried was the Pineapple Sage. This scent was actually really good.


This ring was also fairly close to the top so I really did not have to wait for very long to get it. I, again, was really excited.


I actually think that when the foil package is close to the top it is much easier to get out.


I think it is easier to get out because the wax is hotter? Both of these candles just seemed way more waxy than the previous candles.


It really is quite messy.


This ring was pretty but not as beautiful as the previous rings. I definitely did not think this ring was going to be worth very much but it was still nice.


This is how the reveal code would normally look if it was not starting to melt.

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I still entered my code anyways. Just in case.

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I kind of already knew that but I thought it was worth it to try.

Overall Opinions:

The candles are just alright. It is definitely fun to wait and dig out your foil package but the candles themselves are just ok. They do not burn very clean and no matter how much I trimmed the wick, they never burned straight down. I always had unmelted wax clinging to the side of the jar.

The rings were pretty and elegant. My only issue with them is that they were really small. I do have pretty big fingers but one of the rings would not even fit on my pinky. It was just really small. Some of the other companies give you the options to choose ring sizes and I like that better.

When I first tried Diamond Candles, I really liked them but after this second try and comparing them to some of the other candles, I am not so sure. They are fun but candle wise they are not the best quality.


Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. This post is not sponsored by Diamond Candles and I did not receive anything in exchange for this review.