IMG_0719Lately my blog has turned into somewhat of a food blog. I am not sure how it happened but I love food and products that can be used with food. My friends over at Perfect Crush have a herb grinder that is a great tool in the kitchen. It can grind herbs, spices, tobacco and even some more nefarious plants if that is your thing. I tried it out last weekend and of course, you can click on for the results.

IMG_0720At a price of $19.99, you can get the 4-piece set which includes a carrying case and cleaning tools. For the kitchen these tools aren’t a necessity but I suppose for tobacco and wacky tabacky, these tools would be great for on the go.

IMG_0721The grinder also comes with a pollen catcher. Again, maybe not a necessity for kitchen herbs but for other grinding needs, this a nice feature.


First I tested with coriander. One of my favorite recipes calls for roasted crushed coriander and in the past I have used my magic bullet to chop them up.

IMG_0724Some of my coriander was a bit too small. I am counting this as a negative.

IMG_0725Besides the coriander that was too small, it actually did a pretty good job. It was pretty on par with my magic bullet and was actually easier than the magic bullet.

IMG_0727Next I tried cloves. The same recipe also calls for ground cloves, otherwise I am not sure grinding cloves would be high on the list.


Ok–The first grind was much too thick. I had to put it though the grinder quite a few times. The consistency was on par with the magic bullet but honestly wasn’t as easy the magic bullet.


Lastly, I tried bay leaf. I am not sure why because I have never ground bay leaf before but for some reason I thought it would mimic tobacco. Apparently I know nothing about tobacco.

IMG_0733Again, I am not sure why I thought this would work.

IMG_0734I could have easily done this with my hand. So it was pointless but it got the job done.

All in all–I would give the product a 3.5. (I would probably round-up to a 4)

I marked down 1 point for the large holes and a half a point for not getting a fine grind. It is a cool tool and definitely easier than pulling out the magic bullet every time I need it but it could do a better job.

To purchase the grinder from amazon, click here.

Disclaimer: I received this product at a discount in exchange for an honest review.