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For my third (and final) meal from my first delivery from Plated, I made Creamy Tahini and Roasted Red Pepper Spaghetti.  This recipe was probably the most complicated of the three recipes but still pretty easy. On the recipe they give you an estimate of how long the recipe will take and I have found them to be pretty accurate, give or take a few minutes. Unfortunately, the flavor of this dish was not spot on. I made this dish one night after Hula. So, I really didn’t get started cooking until 8:30.

To be exact.

To be exact.

Per usual, I followed the 6 step instructions.


This was the only recipe of the 3 dishes where my prep times were off. I felt like my spaghetti was done way before the roasted veggies were. But anyways, I started my prep with the chopping of the veggies.


I definitely should have cut the veggies smaller because it took a little while longer than the recipe said it should. It didn’t affect the overall time, but as I said earlier, they were not done when I needed them.


They dwarf my baking sheet! It is not my fault they gave me large veggies.


Once those monsters were roasting away with some salt and pepper and EVOO, I made the spaghetti. It was fresh spaghetti so it only took a couple of minutes to cook.


While the veggies were roasting and the spaghetti was boiling, I made the tahini sauce. This is where the dish fell apart. The veggies were delicious and the spaghetti was al dente, but this tahini sauce didn’t do it for me. It just tasted like straight tahini.


Then I mixed it all together with love <3.

The portions on this were crazy. I swear I could have fed 4 people.


But maybe I just could not eat a whole pan of spaghetti at 9pm.

Overall Ratings:

Ease of Recipe: 4 out of 5 stars. The spaghetti cooked much quicker and the veggies needed more time.

Precision of the Recipe: 4 out of 5 stars. The veggies should have been thinner. Also–the Tahini sauce curdled a bit

Taste of Recipe: 2 out of 5 stars. This was just not good. I kept picking the bell pepper out and eating it alone because that was delicious but the tahini sauce is just not my favorite.

Quality of Ingredients: 4 out of 5. As with the last entry, a lot of the ingredients were packaged but the spaghetti was divine. Fresh pasta is just so good.

Final Verdict: Three out of Five stars.

After I review Blue Apron and Hello Fresh, I will give an overall commentary.

Plated it seriously so awesome! They tweeted me again!



Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. This post is not sponsored by Plated and I did not receive anything in exchange for this review.