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IMG_0203For my second Plated adventure, I tried the Halloumi Cheese with Couscous. This recipe featured several ingredients that I have never tried before, like the halloumi cheese and the couscous, and ingredients that I have never cooked before, like pistachios and apricots. I was originally so excited about this recipe but it didn’t quite meet my expectations.

Like the previous recipe, we start out with the instructions broken out into 6 steps. This time I read the steps all the way through before I started cooking. I probably should have done this last time but hindsight.

IMG_0204I was making this around sunset so the sun was glaring right into my window. It felt like I was prepping food in hell.

IMG_0207I have the pistachios and the apricots chopped for the couscous. For the cheese, we have well, cheese, lemon and shallot. One thing I have appreciated through out this process is the use of shallot. I am not a huge onion fan. I view them like children in the 50’s, seen but not heard. Shallots are more mild and thus, more mild on the palate.

IMG_0215I  put the cheese in the cast iron with the shallot, lemon, lemon juice and white wine. I think my pan was little big so I added more white wine. In  retrospect, it wasn’t needed.

IMG_0218While my cheese was in the oven, I got started on the couscous. I sautéed the spices. This is really where the recipe lost me. The mixture of cardamom and clove smelled like a musky old perfume. And it looked like crap. Literally. After I sautéed the spices, I added raisins and apricots.

IMG_0219After the apricots and raisins, I added the couscous. I tossed them around the spice mixture and toasted it.

IMG_0221Then I added some water and let it simmer.

Around this time, the cheese was done. So I took it out and plated that it.


Here’s the thing, it wasn’t very good. The cheese was delicious. It was like burnt yummy delicious cheese. But the couscous? Awful. The apricots and raisins I enjoyed. The couscous itself wasn’t that bad, but the spices. Oh gosh. You know when you leave a whole clove in food and you forget to take it out and then you bite into it and get a whole mouth of bitterness? It tasted exactly like that. Every bite was met with bitterness. The cheese though. So so so tasty.

Overall Ratings:

Ease of Recipe: 5 out of 5 stars. This was probably the easiest of the recipes.

Precision of the Recipe: 4 out of 5 stars. The problem was that I don’t have a working broiler. The recipe called the cheese to be moved to the broiler for a few minutes. I just moved it to the top rack, which didn’t make it any different.

Taste of Recipe: 2 out of 5 stars. Cheese good. Couscous bad. So so bad.

Quality of Ingredients: 3 out of 5: This recipe only had two fresh ingredients (lemon and shallot) so it was a little hard to really judge. This was also one of those recipes where I question the price, $24 for these two portions is definitely step.

Final Verdict: Three out of Five stars.

And of course–Plated is awesome because they tweeted me again!

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Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. This post is not sponsored by Plated and I did not receive anything in exchange for this review.