


Day One of my juice cleanse is upon us. Twelve hours of juices. I have girded my loins. I am ready.

I kicked it off with the Lemon Cayenne H20.


This juice was a zinger. I wasn’t sure how the cayenne was going to blend it with the juice and I can tell you, it does not blend it. Your sip starts off cool, like a lemon water, then POW. The cayenne hits your throat. It was weird at first but as I drank it, it was pretty energizing and a great way to start my morning. A word of caution–This drink is horrible warm. Drink it quickly.

My next drink was the Greens 1.5.


Ok–let me tell you. This drink is the bomb.com, double click. It is so refreshing and so welcomed after the Lemon Cayenne H20. I chose this originally just because I needed some veggies in this cleanse but this is so good. I hate cucumber (which is dumb because I picked two juices that had it) but it’s barely noticeable because the sea salt covers it. I am shocked at how good this is. The last time I tried to cleanse, I was feeling like I was on a cleanse, but I felt full and ready to work.

SOOOO GOOO!!! Citrus 2!


This is delicious. SO DELICIOUS. I wish that I was drinking this all the time. Honestly, I could ditch the mint, but the pineapple, lemon and apple. I mean I can’t believe this is just juice. I wish I got two of these in my cleanse. I cannot see how any of the other juices will be better than this. The only concern is that compared to the other juices, this has a high sugar and carb content but in moderation, it is not a problem. I just have to show more love. I am trying to slow down


Interesting. Citrus 1.


I don’t know how I feel about this Juice. The cucumber isn’t very noticeable in the pineapple and lemon. It almost tastes like a salty water with a hint of the pineapple. The weird part is the coconut water. It is very noticeable in the after taste. I hate to say it but the taste of the coconut water is very different compared to the rest of the juice. This is probably my least favorite juice.

Roots 2: Liquid Salad Dressing


 The juice lands some where in the middle for me. It is probably the least visually appealing but it had a decent taste. It actually tasted like a salad with Japanese ginger dressing. I drank it on my drive home and while it was refreshing, it left me with a little mouth gas which means I wasn’t the best company to be stuck with. I survived it. Although, the mouth gas is probably the precursor to the shits I will be having eventually.

Vanilla Almond “Milk”


This is amazing. It is delicious and I cant believe it is considered healthy. This is supposed to be the unwind calm down beverage but I wish I could alternate between the pineapple juice and this.

So the first day of my cleanse went well. I caved in and ate a string cheese after the cucumber juice and when I came home, I ate a handful of pretzels. But besides that it only got bad during lunch when all my coworkers were eating. I think I may be able to do it for 2 more days. Thank you for looking at my awkward juice selfies.