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Prince: I Would Die 4 U

Heard Lyric: Apple Dapple Doo

Real Lyric: I would die for you

This is the first lyric mistake that I can remember hearing and it was not even my mistake. In high school I was in stage craft, which meant I helped make stages and props for the theatre department. Outside of class we had to have a certain amount of extra hours we spent working on the sets and I would always try to use my advisory (or home period) to get my extra time in. My good friend Barbi Crash and I would sometimes go together and put music on the monitors through the auditorium sound system and jam out while we painted or built or whatever we did. We heard this lyric mistake on the radio and it pretty much paved the way for us constantly have lyric mistakes and pointing them out to each other. I feel like half of our conversations start with “I have a lyric mistake!”