
A month ago, I wrote about a campaign from Bzzagent about B.B. cream. Due to a few incidents of sunburn, I have not been able to display the results but I assure you they are worth it.

If you guys don’t remember what my blemishes looked like before, here is a reminder:

This is my bad side.

This is my bad side.

The results…..

IMG_1543[2]Now minus that big honker of a pimple, there is a big difference on my cheek. Like huge. I was in shock that after a few days all my purplish blemishes were gone! Obviously, this is not a miracle cream so I still have some irritation around fresh pimples but I am in complete shock. The only bad thing I have to say about this product is that the sunscreen element does not work. I wore it twice in the sun and even reapplying like the recommended after two hours, I still ended up burnt. I will continue to use this product but I do think I would like to shop around and see if other brands are more economical or if they work better in general.

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