
I would not describe myself as a cook or really as person who has a talent for it. I love eating and I like the Food Network/Cooking channel but it is something I have ever done or have had an interest in doing. For the past few days I have been out of work due to sickness. I have wanted to take some time off of work but this was not the way I had planned on taking it. The first day was great, the second day was boring and by the third day I would have rather been at work. I was perusing the internet when I found a recipe that looked like even I could make and even better was the person had documented it on their blog. I decided right then and there that I was going to make Frosted Banana Bars and document my attempt. It was an interesting process to say the least.

I was at the Doctor’s office when I originally decided to do this and after an hour at the pharmacy (you know those times when they don’t call your name and try to argue with you that they did) I did not want to drive home and back to the store. I basically went to the store blind and bought brand new of everything that I was positive I have. I had bananas, eggs and vanilla extract. Thankfully, most of this stuff was cheap so it’s not like I broke the bank but for the future I have flour, sugar , baking powder and confectioner’s sugar. My first task besides getting the ingredients was to preheat the oven. Easy enough:



Apprently I ran out of grease so I had to use Pam. I guess I wasn't good at the precision of spraying pam because I didnt really get it consistant. Because I thought I was going to need the pan greased ahead of time but the Pam needed to be resprayed later.

apparently I ran out of grease so I had to use Pam. I guess I wasn’t good at the precision spraying Pam because I didn’t really get it consistent. Also– I did this step now because I usually grease ahead of time but with Pam I probably should have waited.

Here we have 2 cups of sugar and 1/2  (1 stick) of butter.

Here we have 2 cups of sugar and 1/2 (1 stick) of butter.

I am not sure what "creaming" them means but I think this looks light and fluffy.

I am not sure what “creaming” them means but I think this looks light and fluffy.

I add 3 mashed medium sized bananas (1-1 1/2 cup), 1 teaspoon vanilla and 3 eggs. I had a shell crisis at this point, I was freaking out.

I add 3 mashed medium-sized bananas (1-1 1/2 cup), 1 teaspoon vanilla and 3 eggs. I had a shell crisis at this point, I was freaking out.

It doesn't look that appetizing.

It doesn’t look that appetizing.

2 cups of flour, 1 teasponn baking powder and a dash of salt. If you want me to beat it up...

2 cups of flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder and a dash of salt. If you want me to beat it up…

...then damnit I'll beat it up.

…then dammit I’ll beat it up.

Sooo, I don't think I have a bar plan and I really didn't care on looking for one. I just used a 9 X 13. It worked fine.

So, I don’t think I have a bar pan and I really didn’t care about looking for one. I just used a 9 X 13. It worked fine.

I put in the stove. Sorry about the door. I never thought it matter to have a dirty door or not.

I put in the stove. Sorry about the door. I never thought it matter to have a dirty door or not.

Dishes while its cooking.

Dishes while it’s cooking.

I actually ended up overcooking it a bit. It didn't change the consistency but it just made the edges a bit crispy. They may have also been the Pam.

I actually ended up overcooking it a bit. It didn’t change the consistency but it just made the edges a bit crispy. They may have also been the Pam.

Now to start the frosting. One 8 oz. package of cream cheese, 1/2 cup (1 stick) of better.

Now to start the frosting. One 8 oz. package of cream cheese, 1/2 cup (1 stick) of butter.

I then add 4 cups of confectioner's sugar and 2 teaspoons of vanilla.

I then add 4 cups of confectioner’s sugar and 2 teaspoons of vanilla.

This was probably my least favorite part of everything. No matter what I did, that damn powdered sugar flew everywhere.

This was probably my least favorite part of everything. No matter what I did, that damn powdered sugar flew everywhere.

And she's done. I waited about 1.5 hours to cool but because it was so hot here, it was still really hot. I was trying to ice it and the frosting was melting.

And she’s done. I waited about 1.5 hours to cool but because it was so hot here, it was still really hot. I was trying to ice it and the frosting was melting.



I actually really loved this cake. It was not a dense as a banana bread but it wasnt a very airy cake. I will say one thing, it is so moist. I actually had some the next day and it was crazy moist a day later. I actually enjoyed making this cake just as much as I enjoyed eating it. Maybe there is some more cooking in my future?