We started out heading to San José on Thursday. The drive was pretty painless and actually took us a lot less than we thought (I may have sped a bit). For some road trip photos view my post here.

The first night we didn’t do much besides watch There’s Something About Mary on TV (twice) and eat subway. The next day however, was the highlight of the trip. My very dear friend and sorority sister Alex got married to a wonderful man Bobby. Even though I hadn’t seen either of them in a couple of years, I was around when they started dating. I even remember their first real fight; Alex and I went to Ihop at 10pm and stayed for a few hours just crying, talking, and eating steak and eggs. They got through that first fight the night day and I wish them many more happy years to come.

My sorority sisters and Alex

The happy couple!

I was honored to be a part of their special day and cannot express how I wish the best for them. Admittedly, I can get bored easily at weddings but this was an exception to that. The next day my sister Evvy (purple dress) and I set out for San Francisco. The drive was a lot shorter than we thought but we ran into a 3 or 4 car accident that took a while. First on the list was Lombard Street. Our hotel was actually on Lombard Street so we decided to walk up and down Lombard street and then go to Pier 39 (Fisherman’s Wharf).
Obviously, this did not go smoothly.

Going up the hill

Getting steeper

I swear at this point I was touching the sidewalk with my hands

Finally we reach the top!

The crookedest street!

It is almost scary

It just keeps going

At this point I was just happy we were taking breaks

The crookedest street!

At this point we had already walked a little more than a mile. Next time, I am just going to drive down. Unless they put in a slide. We kept walking up and down more hills until we finally got to Pier 39.

There are just a lot of hills

My personal favorite part of the trip

The views were just amazing

I decided to get a pearl

Brandi opening it up (it was her birthday)

My blue pearl

This pearl is so beautiful. Blue pearls aren’t necessarily rare (7 in 100) but she said at these stands, you typically get white or cream. I felt proud even though I just picked one at random. After a healthy walk around Pier 39 and a good dose of shopping we continued down Fisherman’s Wharf and to Ripley’s Believe It or Not.

The view kept getting better

A toothpick Golden Gate Bridge in Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum

A Coca Cola Coffin

The World’s Tallest Man

Dinner at Boudin’s. Best Tomato Soup ever.

After that we decided to walk back to our hotel, which was two miles away. I swear at this point we had walked about four miles. I thought I took pictures but I guess I didn’t! The next day Evvy and I woke up and couldn’t move. It took us a couple of hours to even get out of bed. Apparently hefty girls cannot just walk 6 miles and get out of bed the next day. But eventually we did and we went to the Golden Gate Bridge!

So pretty! It was weird because it wasn’t foggy but the air was a bit thick.

Just so antsy to walk across


Such a pretty view!

And we are done!

After the Golden Gate Bridge, we went to China Town. I definitely shopped a lot. I must have stopped taking pictures at this point but I had a really awesome time and I hope that someday in the future I get to go back!