I am in a funk. Not just with my weight or future plans, with everything. You know the symptoms; your room gets a little messy, you start waiting until you almost run out of gas before refilling, you would rather 5 day old chips and salsa to avoid both cooking and going out to eat. Even my desk at work has turned into a danger zone.


Even messier!

I think the defining moment for me was the moment I started to repeatedly hit a vending machine because my Kit Kat got stuck. I eventually managed to get it out but it was my first reaction that really put things into perspective for me. Here I am, at work on my day off because I have nothing better to do, punching a vending machine. I really wish I had my camera at the time because it was hanging in the slot by just the tiniest bit of wrapper.

I think I am going to go home and write flashcards. Remember months ago when I said I was going to study for the GRE? Well I still am and the GMAT too, but I will save that for later. I have realized over many failed conquests that I work best if I give my self small obtainable goals. By Sunday I want to have flashcards for all the GRE words A-K. I am on “I” now and I feel that is totally obtainable.

The same goes for my weight. I of course have been yo yo-ing. I want to lose one pound by Sunday. That is 3 days of eating healthier and exercise. I believe that is obtainable. I’ve said this many times before but here is to making things happen!