I cannot seem to get it to together. I sound like a broken record and I have no excuses and I really cannot even justify why I have gained weight besides pure laziness. Well here it is:

Back to where we started.

I am back up again however I never want to see 230 again. I will go forward with this and I will lose the weight. I think sometimes people need a trigger,like an event or feeling, to really get them in the right state of mind. In the past I have never felt held back by my weight. My insecurities were never about my weight. I talk too fast, I am stubborn, and I have a temper but none of those things are related to my weight. Sure, I have never been happy with my weight but it has personally never attributed to any failures in my life. Well, all that changed because I finally had an incident where my weight was a reason. For me, it was a big deal and I want to make sure that incident is never repeated. Here is to my umpteenth try but to the try that will work.