With many budget cuts happening in the state of California it would come as no surprise that the quality of our parks and recreational facilities are on a decline. Last weekend I went to a birthday party at La Mesita park and while the park itself was decent the real violator was the women’s restroom.

Things look nice at first.

I actually had to go back and take these entrance shots because I was not expecting the restroom to be as bad as they were.

Unrelated to the state of the bathroom, this sign tickled me. I have never seen a sign like this before. How about we pay less for the custom sign and buy an actual toilet seat?

When I saw an empty door jamb I should have realized the theme for this bathroom.

Even after seeing yet another empty door jamb and all the trash on the floor I still didn’t see it.

My first instinct was to use the first stall however there was no door, no trash bin or “White House” and the toilet paper rolls did not spin on their holders. Not to mention the sanitary napkin wrapper.

There was literally no toilet paper holder, as you can see by the roll on the ground, the seat was so disgusting and there was actually a bloody sanitary napkin on the floor. Not just the wrapper.

I know there are probably many places that have worse or no bathrooms at all, however we as a community give funds to these services so that our children can have better. My little sister was so grossed out, she didn’t even want to go in the bathroom by herself. I really hope that La Mesa can get it together because La Mesita Park is a really nice park with tennis courts and a pool but if a person won’t even piss in the bathroom, then what good is it for?