After waking up sick and horrible I was in need of a adventure. I remembered I had received coupons for the new Glade Expressions Collection from (Also for Unreal Candy but I will save that for later). I decided that today I was going out into the field and be a Bzz Agent!

I also apologize for the picture quality as I am working on getting a new camera.

The Oil Diffuser section


I forgot to take a picture of the box before I opened it so here it is after the fact.

It’s pretty although it doesn’t really match my decor.

You can see the oil at the bottom.

This is the disc that absorbs the oil.

All put together.

In front of my TV where it will now brighten up my room.

It smells wonderful already! It does worry me because it is supposed to last 30 days and this seems too much too soon. Once I can go back and get the spray kit I will be posting it!