My motivation has struck, it is just not the way I wanted it. After having a tickle in my throat the past few days, which I had deduced to side affects of the recent weather change, I awoke this morning sick. Full blown sick; congestion, coughing, chest pain, stiff neck, instant urge to call my mother, etc. Still I had to come to work.

Sitting in the dark.

I am sitting in the dark with my new best friend, Purell, hoping that this day will go on quickly. When I first woke up I had decided I was going to wear sweat pants to work but logic got the better of me and in this weather (it is supposed to be over 100!) I would literally be sweating in those pants.

Why is this motivation? I can’t swallow! I have extremely large tonsils and due to the shape of my throat (small throat, large tonsils) the doctors refuse to remove them! Everytime I get sick I almost have to stop eating. Obviously this is not the bext way to lose weight but in a weird way it is the kick start I needed back for the diet. Whenever I lose a few pounds I become motivated to lose more.