I have always wanted to try Dr. Scholl’s show inserts but had never actively pursued it. That all changed when my friends at BzzAgent.com sent a pair of Dr. Scholl’s Massaging Gel Inserts to try. I wore them for the first time today and have mostly positive things to say.

My BzzKit!

I am not sure the picture shows it, but they are very long.

They are seriously huge.

I am a size 9 and these look at least 2 sizes too big!

As you can see, I had to keep trimming it!

My feet feel great. They molded to feet pretty nicely and the heel part was especially comfortable. I think I may have to wait a couple of days to get an official verdict because I did a lot of sitting today. Tomorrow I had a load of filing to do so hopefully they keep doing a good job. My only complaint so far and I am not sure if this is user error or just the way that my shoe is but the insoles do not fit exactly and in one shoe keeps bunching up. Since this is my first time, maybe I did not cut them correctly but it almost seems as if my shoe is just a little too wide. It isn’t too bad but it makes these weird bubbles when I walk. Looking forward to tomorrow.

I forgot! Coupons for my friends!