I got a Package!

I got a package in the mail! I had been waiting for it for a few weeks!

Breaking the tape open

Inside the box!

The bubble was deflated 😦

The Chronicles of Prydian! These were my favorite books when I was in middle and high school. They are similar to Lord of the Rings but geared towards children and incorporates Welsh fairy tales. The author Lloyd Alexander was really good friends with J. R. R. Tolkien.

The Book of Three, The Black Cauldron, The Castle of Llyr, Taran Wanderer and The High King. My favorite has always been The Black Cauldron. Not the horrible Disney tape of it though.

Pretty Book Covers (sorry a little blurry, the light wasnt hitting them right)

It came with a map of Prydian! Yes, it does resemble Wales.

But the presents did not end there! When my mom got home she had gotten two shirts for me!

Me Likey.

I really like this shirt. As you can tell by the accents on this blog, I like teal and glue green colors.

And now my last gift. My Grandma is a wonderful, strong, brilliant woman but sometimes she can be a little off beat. This gift came from her. Now, it wasnt a direct gift to me, I think she originally gave them to my mom but they are right up my ally.

Sparkly white gloves.